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undefined Itinerary

Last updated: 2024 Jun 14

Exploring Yukuhashi

Start your day by visiting Yukuhashi City Museum to learn about the history and culture of the city. Explore the exhibits showcasing local artifacts and artworks.
Afterward, take a stroll through Yukuhashi Park, a beautiful green space with cherry blossom trees. Enjoy a picnic lunch under the blooming cherry blossoms.
End your day by visiting Yukuhashi Onsen, a traditional Japanese hot spring. Relax and unwind in the therapeutic mineral-rich waters.
Find amazing hotels in Yukuhashi, Fukuoka, Japan.

Discovering Local Cuisine

Start your day by visiting Yukuhashi Fish Market, where you can find a wide variety of fresh seafood. Take a guided tour to learn about the different types of fish and how they are caught.
Afterward, head to a local restaurant and try some of Yukuhashi's famous dishes, such as motsunabe (hot pot with beef offal) or mentaiko (spicy cod roe).
For dinner, experience a traditional Japanese kaiseki meal at a local ryokan (traditional inn). Enjoy a multi-course meal prepared with seasonal ingredients.
Find amazing hotels in Yukuhashi, Fukuoka, Japan.

Nature and Outdoor Activities

Start your day by visiting Hiraodai Karst Plateau, a unique natural landscape with limestone formations. Take a guided tour to learn about the geological history of the area.
Afterward, head to Katsuyama Park, where you can enjoy hiking trails and panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. Pack a picnic lunch and relax in the peaceful surroundings.
End your day by visiting Yukuhashi Sky Park, a park located on a hilltop with beautiful views of the city. Enjoy a leisurely walk and watch the sunset.
Find amazing hotels in Yukuhashi, Fukuoka, Japan.

Cultural Immersion

Start your day by visiting Yukuhashi Shrine, a Shinto shrine dedicated to the city's patron deity. Take part in a traditional purification ritual and learn about the shrine's history.
Afterward, explore Yukuhashi Machinami Museum, a museum showcasing the traditional architecture and lifestyle of the region. Take a guided tour to learn about the different types of traditional houses.
For dinner, try some local street food at Yukuhashi Night Market. Sample various snacks and delicacies while enjoying the lively atmosphere.
Find amazing hotels in Yukuhashi, Fukuoka, Japan.

Day Trip to Fukuoka City

Take a day trip to Fukuoka City, located approximately 1 hour away from Yukuhashi by train. Visit Fukuoka Castle Ruins, a historic site with reconstructed castle walls and beautiful gardens.
Afterward, explore Ohori Park, a large park surrounding a scenic lake. Rent a paddleboat and enjoy a leisurely ride on the water.
End your day by visiting Nakasu, Fukuoka's famous entertainment district. Explore the vibrant nightlife and try some local street food at the yatai (food stalls).
Find amazing hotels in Yukuhashi, Fukuoka, Japan.
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